Tips for geocoding

1.Specify values for the zip/postal code field and State field (where applicable).
2.Add a comma between the street address and town/city e.g. "10 Main Street, Los Angeles" rather than "10 Main Street Los Angeles".
3.Use the street number of a building rather than the building name wherever possible.
4.Do not specify address elements such as business names, unit, floor or suite numbers that aren't included in the official postal address.
5.If you want to include info like "Unit 67" surround it in brackets e.g. "(Unit 67) Grantham Industrial Estate" (the geocoder will ignore text inside brackets).
6.Specify a country in the Country field. This provides an extra clue to the geocoder and resolves ambiguity..
7.Enter the address in something like Google Maps or Bing Maps - does it geocode correctly? If not, there might be something fundamentally wrong with the address.
8.If all else fails you can specify the geographic co-ordinates yourself by having a field in the spreadsheet called Position and entering a WGS84 lat,long co-ordinate (or entering it in the Position field in the online Edit screen). For example the position of Big Ben in London is '51.500611,0.124611'. Alternatively you can define two fields called Latitude and Longitude.

How to edit addresses

You can either:
  • use the Edit function (accessed from the Locations page) to edit the address within Blipstar
  • update the addresses in your spreadsheet and re-upload