Contact us

Tip: If you Log-in before contacting us so we can identify your account and help you faster
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You can also email us at:

We want you to have a great experience using Blipstar and are here to help.

If you have a question or need help with a particular issue then:

1 Check out the FAQ
2 Refresh your store locator page (or iframe)
3 Failing that use the contact form or email us

We'll get back to you soon.

If you have a technical question please give us as much information about the issue you are experiencing as possible, to help us help you. Including your blipstar username and a screenshot of the issue is helpful. The vast majority of issues are easily solved and most are to do with geocoding. So if you have a geocoding issue with your store locator check out the geocoding tips first.

Providing store locator solutions since 2006.   Share: Linkedin  |  Twitter  |  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Pinterest